White Sauce Pasta

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This is was my first experiment with the Italian cuisine and fortunately it was a grand success. Everyone liked it and I was so encouraged by the appreciation that I chose it make my first recipe for my blog. Making this dish is easy and it involves following four steps:

1 Cooking the pasta
2 Cooking the vegetables
3 Preparing the white sauce
4 Mixing all the above

Step 1-Ingredients:
Fusilli Pasta – 125 grams (u can take any shape whichever u like)
Oil – 1/2 tsp
Salt – 1 tsp
Cooking Method: Take a pan, bring plenty of water to boil, add salt and oil. Then slowly add the pasta and boil till the pasta becomes soft (but intact without getting broken). Stir occasionally to prevent the pasta from sticking together. After it is boiled, drain it in a strainer and pour cold water on it. This is done to prevent it from getting over boiled further.

Step 2-Ingredients:
Oil – 1 tbsp
Chopped green capsicum – 1/2 bowl
Chopped onion – 1/2 bowl
Chopped tomato- 1/2 bowl
Black Pepper powder as per taste
Salt as required
Oregano -3/4 tsp or as per taste
Cooking Method: Heat oil in a pan, add onion and sauté for a few minutes then add capsicum and tomato. Cook uncovered till done. Do not overcook the vegetables. The vegetables should retain their crunchiness. Add salt, black pepper and oregano. Your Vegetable portion is done, keep it aside.

Step 3-Ingredients:
Butter – 11/2 tbsp – 2 tbsp
Corn flour – 2 tbsp ( if you do not have corn flour, use maida/ all purpose flour)
Milk – 1 1/2 cup (boiled and cooled)
Grated Cheese – 3-4 tbsp (use mozzarella or parmesan or even Amul cheese cubes)
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder as per taste
Preparing Method: In a pan, melt butter and add corn flour stir it continuously. Sauté till it changes colour slightly. Then add ½ cup milk gently and stir continuously with a whisk to prevent formation of lumps. When it starts thickening, add the remaining milk gradually stirring continuously with the whisk. Bring it to boil, reduce the flame, and add grated cheese, salt, black pepper powder and oregano as per taste. Cook for another few minutes, till it thickens slightly and remove from flame. (If it is too thick, you can add the water reserved while cooking pasta and heat again).This sauce will thicken as it cools, so mix it in between or a layer will form on the top.

Step 4-Ingredients:
Grated cheese for garnishing
Method: Mix all the three together. Transfer to a greased baking pan, top it with grated cheese and bake in a preheated (180 degree C) for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese has slightly browned. If you do not have an oven, mix all the three in a pan, heat it, top it with grated cheese and serve hot.

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